No, P-Diddy did not help me create this blog in any way, shape or form. But I would like to thank Mr. Combs for having a ridiculous show whose title is ripe for the comedic picking.
So, this is my first shot at using "Blogger," which I've always been interested in as it seems like the easiest way to start a blog for free. Until this moment, I actually had no idea that Blogger was an affiliate of Google. That doesn't surprise me though. What does surprise me is that there isn't blue, red, yellow and green text all over the neighborhood and I haven't gotten a Gmail or chat notice stating the mortgage on my house has been taken over by Google, Inc. (yeeeet?)
In truth, this is not my first attempt at starting a blog. If you're interested, check out the beta version of "McKenna's Musings" at to have a chuckle. Although I'm not a big social-networking tools sort of guy (Facebook? MySpace? *yawn*) you CAN follow me on Twitter if you feel so inclined. *WARNING: My personal Twitter account is and can be at times considered "unsavory in language and/or content" and is not recommended for PG audiences*
On a library-related subject, you can peruse my online School Library Media Specialists' Advocacy Toolkit which is full of useful information and links regarding the school library profession. It also contains a blog which people are more than welcome to participate in and comment on. Feel free to do so here as well.
Now, it's time to tip-toe back into the blogosphere and check out some more Blogger features. Thanks for reading, and "good luck exploring the infinite abyss." Wait, do I owe Zach Braff royalties for using that line? Meh, some Google apps will take care of that for me.